Monday, January 14, 2008

Update . . .

thats it for pretty pictures folks . . . I've uploaded everything fresh I've got.
So now, you're going to have to entertain yourself with the disjointed, semi-literate word associations of an uncreative poet. My advice to you in weeding through this diatribe, use your imagination, be creative, maybe even stretch the pathetic truth.

So, where we at sucka's? Oh yeah, still in Antarctica. Reality check.

Um, I'll start out with some stats
- 172 pounds, dehydrated
- 4 batches of beer down, and
- 1 to go
- 5 weeks until I blow this popstand
- 2 indiscriminate firings this week (just when I thought old uncle Ray had gone soft on me)
- 5 days in quarantine for the flu, yuckity-poo
- 1, 2, or 3 family members visiting me in New Zealand, cross my fingers!

Yep, just got out of quarantine. Five days. thats like 150 hours in my room. thats like 150 hours on my bed, staring at the ceiling, reading Michael Pollan, Ken Kesey, and Al Gore. Alright, we get it Al, TV is poison! But, can't I have just a little while I'm sick? Thats when I'm most vulnerable, you say? Goddamnit, but how can I possibly survive an illness without TV? Its in my Gene's to survive an illness, thats why I'm still here, you say? Goddamnit Al, what is it with you. I'm tired of all your incessant reliance on reason and science, alright, it gets old and tiring and boring. Now a TV news segment, that never gets old or tiring or boring, I mean look at those flashing bombs and fire graphics and people yelling at me. I mean, if they're yelling, it must be important, right? Oh, thats the whole problem you say, its overactivating our nervous response system, screwing with our brains, turning our frontal lobes off. Ahh, now I see, Al. The problem is that you think with your frontal lobe too much Al. You should open yourself up to a larger diversity of your brain. For instance, I like to turn on fox news, and just let the amygdala, my fear center, run rampant for a while. A couple hours later, I come to, and I'm convinced that world is going to end, unless, of course, I vote for a neo-con. Wait, Al, where are you going? Think Amygdala, Al, amygdala!

I had a few feverish and delusional conversations with Al while I was couped up, they never seemed to end well.

But I'm free now, and sanity and socialabilty are both coming into focus, and my bed sores are clearin' right up. But man, quarantined in McMurdo - its no fun. All your meals have to be brought to you, people reel away from you when they realize you're sick, you have to wear a mask when you leave your room to pee, they paint a giant 'S' on your door in Scarlet Red Paint, your 5x5 square foot space gets smaller and smaller by the hour, your roommate moves into his girlfriend's room to avoid the plague . . . just to give you an idea.

But I'm free now, with only a trace of the nasty cough I endured for the last week.
The first of my close friends, Tia, is leaving on a jet plane tomorrow. Its goddamned sad, that I'm going to slowly lose my friends, my community over the coming weeks. I'm on the second to last flight, so I'll get to watch everyone leave. The first wave of nostalgia hits tonight, at her going away party . . . Goddamn.

Spirits are quite well, though. As always, things are lookin up. Maybe you don't know this about me (not to rub it in or anything), but everything always comes up aces for me. I learned the deck is stacked in my favor, so I'm putting all my money on the table, becasue I know that an ace is on top. I could ask for a reshuffle, ya know, to make the game fair, but I think that would make me a bolshevik or something, and I won't stand for that.

But really, bullshitting aside, I'm well. I've been really, really great for, like, six months now, except for that month when I was working nights and my roommate left, and I holed myself up in my room. I suppose its really easy to be well, when your life is a vacation and the deck is stacked in your favor!

Speaking of vacation, I've got one coming up . . . at least, a vacation away from my current vacation. Yep, I'm going to New Zealand! I got a line on another bike in Christchurch, so I might be doing some more biking. But I definitely want to do some serious trekking as well. Oh yeah, and I gotta talk to Steve Kafka, capain of the Evohe, I really want to get back on that boat! He's been playing around in the Antarctic waters again. Ya know, Steve is always on vacation, just like myself. We must have been dealt the same winning hand. Just like Bart says on Rock, Paper, Scissors: "Good old Rock, nothin' beats that!"
So, hopefully, more cycling and tramping in New Zealand, maybe an oceanic adventure to boot! And hopefully, a little traveling by car, as well, if my mom makes it down!

And then India, for a looooooooooooooong time, ya know, just to reshuffle a bit. Sorry mom, this might have to be the case. Its in my blood, so I guess I can kinda blame that on you, right?


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